Alderroot Healing & Renewal
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Interested in 1-1 mentoring in EarthConnection as Spiritual Practice?
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Earth Connection as Spiritual Practice
Seasonal Class Series
Each class is 5 consecutive weeks of live remote class sessions, Wednesdays 5:30-7:00pm (PST)
Expertly facilitated: I offer gentle guidance that fosters authentic relationships and centers learning and healing as an ongoing process. Come as you are and be prepared to be engaged and inspired. See more about my teaching and learning approach here. Class is limited to 12, optional readings and resources available. Cost: $395 (each season)
Payment plans available. Choose PayPal at checkout.
Series Description
Earth connection is a spiritual practice we can all cultivate to nourish, heal, and renew us. Earth connection offers us a sense of belonging, deep connection, and the emotional and spiritual groundedness so needed during these difficult times. As living breathing earth beings we are deeply connected to our human and more-than-human kin with whom we share this living earth. And, in our busy and mostly digital world, it’s easy for us to lose touch with the magic and enchantment of our connection to the living world. In fact, dominant systems are actively and incessantly pulling us away from our true interconnectedness in order to maintain systems of power and injustice. In this series we will begin to unlearn and heal this separation from the living world, which we've been taught through language and perspective all our lives.
Learn how to develop or deepen a spiritual practice of earth connection with a small group of others in a shared sacred community. Together we will cultivate embodied connection to the living earth and a deep awareness of our spirits’ interconnectedness. We’ll learn to cultivate space for earth connection practices that support our spirits and our well being. Earth connection as spiritual practice can support both healing and renewal as we learn how to ground the intense feelings and anxieties we face, and how to find more peace, joy, wonder, curiosity and connection each day. And at the same time, earth connection practice heals the earth, making a difference to our world.
Earth connection as spiritual practice can compliment your existing spiritual practice or can offer ways to cultivate a new spiritual practice if you don’t have one. Take one class or take them all—each class can stand alone but choosing to engage in multiple classes over the seasons will enhance and deepen your spiritual practice.
Earth Connection as a Spiritual Practice: (Winter Holidays) Wednesdays 5:30-7:00 November 15-Deccember 13 2023 Virtual
$100 discount when you register by Oct 29. Use holidays100 at checkout. Deadline to register: November 8
Maybe like me you feel a combination of stress, rush, and longing for more meaning and connection during the season of winter holidays. Join me for Earth Connection as Spiritual Practice during this season as a way to ground and refocus our attention at a time when our dominant culture makes many demands and pulls us into unhealthy patterns of over doing and over consuming. With a group of supportive others, root into the wisdom of the living earth to reconnect and renew as we come to the end of a yearly cycle and prepare to settle into winter’s rest and a new season beyond.
This class cultivates our ability to notice and observe, and rests in the assumption that the earth is alive and spirit is everywhere.
Weekly themes include:
Darkness as opportunity: for rest, light, new rituals
How to create a spiral of reciprocity and gratitude with the living earth
Less is more-simple earth practices and micro-rituals
Cultivating clear boundaries through listening practices
Making space for spirit and to practice connection during winter

In each season we will:
Connect authentically to one another and share our experiences
Invite the living earth and more-than-human beings as partners in spiritual practice
Tune into this season’s specific shifts and gifts
Connect to our bodies and spirits by experiencing a variety of earth connection practices
Invite learning through art, poetry, and reflection
Engage in an ecological design process to foster earth connection by: Deeply observing ourselves and the living world around us; Envisioning a life with more spiritual connectedness and enchantment; Shaping a regular spiritual practice rooted in earth connection that is unique to you