Alderroot Healing & Renewal
Now Booking: Forest Bathing Camp & Mentoring clients
Discovery & Delight Retreat
Developing self-trust and confidence in uncertain times
Costa Rica, Pacific Mountains & Coast
For women and non-binary folks
July 14-20, 2025
leaving from San Jose on Monday July 14, returning to San Jose on Sunday July 20.
Travel with a small group to the Costa Rica rain forest and ocean to explore delight and curiosity as tools for Self-discovery. When we practice curiosity, delight, and wonder, we learn how to deepen into present-moment experience and to lean into Self wisdom and confidence. And when we practice connecting to the earth in joyful and light-hearted ways, we experience more calm and groundedness.
On this retreat, we'll engage in a process of discovery and delight that will leave you with more presence, connection, and confidence.

Discovery & Delight Retreat
Daily local activities to delight your senses and nurture your body, spirit, and heart (visit a cacao farm, forest bathe in a tropical rain forest, learn to make plant medicine, swim and body surf in the Pacific ocean, enjoy tropical birds and wildlife.)
Daily movement & mindfulness sessions to learn tools and practices for curiosity and delight
Daily earth and ocean connection invitations to support you in deepening your delight and self-discovery
A slow pace and a balance of group and personal time for resting, relaxing and exploring
Amazing wholesome food, beautiful surroundings, comfortable accommodations
A focus on earth connection and spiritual renewal to leave you feeling rested, grounded, and open-hearted.
Description & details...
This retreat is an invitation to explore, engage your curiosity, and soften into daily delight. These practices will leave you deeply rested, connected and more fully rooted in Self-trust and confidence.
As climate change accelerates and political and cultural unknowns abound, the world and our communities need us to be able to approach uncertainty with connection and wisdom. As the demands and decisions of our lives increase, we need to learn how to meet them with Self-trust and confidence.
We’ll intentionally move through our retreat days with a focus on curiosity and wonder. We'll discover what delights and nurtures us, and will deepen into our sense of Self-trust and earth connection in the process, building our sense of Calm and Confidence.
This retreat will be great for you if you are feeling the need for renewal, inspiration, guided adventure, and are ready to quickly develop more groundedness and Self-trust.
Locations: (see more on schedule)
Rancho Mastatal: Permaculture Farm and Sustainability Education Center
Encantada Hotel
Shared room (double):
Single room: $ 2,380
Payment plans available through PayPal or contact me for more options.
6 nights lodging
Round trip transportation from San Jose
All meals- local, organic, mostly vegetarian
All excursions (chocolate tour, plant medicine tour, forest bathing etc)
group sessions
What’s not included:
Lodging in San Jose - to stay a night on the way in or out
Optional Spa/massage services & Yoga classes (at Encantada hotel)
cocktails or beer
Week Schedule
Sample retreat day schedule:
Morning group meditation and movement
Morning group session or excursion
Open time to rest and renew: 3 hours to nap, swim in the pool, go to the ocean, get a massage, journal, etc.
Sunset group session
Group reflection or free time
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